AT-8500 Series Fast Ethernet Switch Installation Guide
You can, using the AT-S62 management software, enable or disable PoE
on a per-port basis. You can also reduce the maximum amount of power
a port can receive, from the maximum of 15.4 W. However, configuring
PoE on an AT-8524POE switch will probably be unnecessary. As already
mentioned, the power supply in the switch can provide enough power
to meet the needs of all 24 base ports, even if all are connected to power
devices requiring the maximum of 15.4 W. Additionally, since a switch
port can determine for itself whether the device connected to it is a
powered device or not and, if it is, how much power is required, there
should be little need for you to configure PoE on the switch.
The AT-S62 management software also allows you to prioritize the ports
in the event there is not be enough PoE power for all the powered
devices. This feature can help ensure that the most important powered
devices connected to the switch will be guaranteed power. But again,
since the power supply in the AT-8524POE switch can support all ports
at the maximum of 15.4 W, there should be little need for you to
prioritize ports.
The default setting for PoE on the switch is enabled at both the switch
and port levels.