Chapter 7
Selecting Media Type and Duplex
Mode with CardAssistant
The ATI CardAssistant program is used for changing media,
turning on full duplex, and viewing the card configuration. Pop-
up menus list the possible resource settings, with the current
setting highlighted. CardAssistant can be run under DOS or 32-
bit Windows (Win 95 or Win NT 3.5x and greater).
Running CardAssistant in DOS Mode.
The DOS version of
, is the one to use if your primary
operating system is Windows 3.x, Windows for Workgroups 3.x,
Windows NT 3.1, DOS, or UNIX. Do not run CardAssistant from
the Windows DOS Prompt.
1. Boot into DOS, preventing the driver from loading by
pressing one of the following:
to bypass all configuration files
to step through configuration files and bypass lines
that load driver software
2. Insert the installation diskette into the 3.5" floppy drive.
3. Type:
is the disk drive containing the
CardAssistant program.
4. The main menu comes up and you are ready to select the
card (or one of the cards if more than one is installed).