AT-1500 Plug and Play
Your computer must be an IBM-PC or compatible computer with
the following specifications:
ISA bus (or EISA bus) computer with 16-bit slot available
that supports bus mastering
Compatible operating system such as Windows 95,
Windows NT, Windows for Workgroups, Windows 3.x,
DOS, or OS/2
Approximately 32K of available RAM, depending on the
driver installed
512K of available RAM when running Allied Telesyn
CardAssistant setup/diagnostics software
A free 32-byte block of I/O between 220 and 3FF
An available interrupt (IRQ 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, or 15)
An available DMA channel (3, 5, 6, or 7)
The Allied Telesyn CardAssistant
The Allied Telesyn CardAssistant configuration and diagnostic
diskette has the software you need for setting up the
AT-1500 Plug and Play card with many different network
software packages. The diskette includes:
CardAssistant setup and diagnostic test programs
Network adapter card drivers
ODI drivers for use with a workstation on a Novell
NetWare network
NDIS drivers for Microsoft Windows 95, Windows NT,
Windows for Workgroups, or TCP/IP
A packet driver for TCP/IP
ODI and NDIS drivers for servers.
Support files for network software
readme files