Moving and Handling
– please note:
Care must be exercised when handling/operating/cleaning around any of the slots
or sockets on this product
(see diag. page 1)
to avoid any risk of finger trapping.
Combined handling weight of all modules
approximately 2kg
Users are advised to follow the Moving and
Handling Policy, Training and Procedures of their own organisation when handling the
Carrying option 1:
A handle on the top of the lower module for use when the lower module only is required, or when
the top module is stowed.
An optional shoulder strap for attachment to this handle is also available.
Carrying option 2:
A handhold on the rear aspect of the lower module enables both modules when in ‘High
Configuration’ to be carried securely as a single unit.
Please note:
Before lifting, ensure modules are correctly
To minimise moving and handling, store the
as close as reasonably practicable to the area of use. For
domiciliary visits, take only the required module(s) into the home. As with all low height equipment, care must be
taken in positioning the
in order to avoid trip hazards.
When used on floors/surfaces that are not slip resistant, slight movement of the module(s) may be experienced; a
anti-slip mat is provided for positioning beneath the module in such situations.
Remove protective film
from both sides of mat before use.
When not in use, the mat can be rolled and stowed inside the top module but must be removed to enable the top
dule to be stacked onto the lower, as for ‘High Configuration’. Wash/clean mat frequently to remove dirt/debris and
optimise anti-slip properties
Spectrum Healthcare (UK) Ltd is grateful to the Manual Handling and Back Care professionals of the
Yorkshire Back Exchange who supported the development of the Ergo
and kindly reviewed
the content of these Guidelines
Infection Prevention and Cleaning
A permanent antimicrobial agent is incorporated throughout the entire moulded material of all parts, including
anti-slip mat. Labels are moulded in beneath the surface of the product.
General cleaning instruction for all parts: wash in warm soapy water, rinse and dry
Please note:
Avoid pushing
fingers into slots or sockets
; clean by threading a cloth or wipe through the openings.
Tolerant of 1% bleach solution and antimicrobial wipes;
do not use
harsh or
abrasive cleaning products or materials.
Cleaning regime should be
in accordance with the individual employer’s cleaning and infection prevention policies
and protocols.
Please note:
Worn or damaged Support Pads should be replaced.
Storage and Maintenance
Prior to storage, ensure all parts are clean. Store with the top module and pad stowed inside the lower module.
Please note:
When removing from storage, check that the lid and latch are securely in place before attempting to
The seals on the underside of the top and lower modules are part of the manufacturing process and should not be
Prior to use, check that the
is clean and free from damage. Damaged parts must be replaced as
necessary. | 0800 31 61 81 | [email protected]