Configuration Options
The Stick Reader provides a variety of user customization features that allow its
operation, behavior, and output data format to be configured for compatibility with
the user’s application. All of these options are set by sending the Stick Reader
certain commands via its RS232 serial communications interface. Once changed, the
Stick Reader retains these settings in memory permanently (even when power is
disconnected) until they are intentionally changed by the user.
Default Configurations
Table 4 lists the default configuration settings with which the Stick Reader is
optioned when shipped.
Table 4 - Default Configuration Options
Option Default
Serial Data Format Per table 2, duplicate tag reads transmitted
Serial Hardware
9600 BPS, no parity, 8 BPW, 1 stop bit, no flow control
Beeper/LED = on, push-to-read, wireless sync = off
Read Time
3 seconds
Briefly, Serial Data Format settings determine the presentation of the ID code data to
the user’s device that is connected to the Stick Reader’s serial port. Serial Hardware
settings establish the Reader’s communications parameters for compatibility with the
user’s device. Miscellaneous settings control various operational characteristics of
the Reader. Read Time is the interval for which the Reader’s tag activation signal
remains on when the READ button is pressed an released.
Changing Configuration Options
Configuration options are changed by connecting the Stick Reader’s data cable to the
serial port on a PC, and applying power to the Reader. Once communications have
been established (see “Stick Reader Setup” on page 4 of this guide), either of two
methods can be used to change the Reader’s configuration. The first method uses a
terminal emulator program, such as Hyperterminal®, and requires the user to send
short alphanumeric coded command instructions to the reader. The second method
uses the Allflex
MS-Windows® based PC utility software program,
which allows the user to select configuration options from a series of drop-down
menu choices.
Serial Command Language Method - Basic Instructions
The following instructions describe some of the basic and more frequently used
configuration options, and illustrates how to implement them using the Stick Reader
Serial Command Language in conjunction with Hyperterminal®. The Command
Language method uses upper and lower case alpha characters combined with
hexadecimal characters to establish the Reader’s configuration. The most common
commands are listed in Table 5.
Reading Transponder Tags
The Stick Reader is always ready to read a transponder tag when power has been
applied to it. Initiating a tag reading event requires only a press of the READ button.
When the READ button is pressed and released, the tag activation signal is present
for a 3 second interval. Alternately, the READ button can be held down, and the
activation signal will remain on until the READ button is released or until a tag has
been read. The tag activation
state is always indicated by the red LED indicator
Note 10
- The 3 second tag activation on signal interval can be configured for times ranging
between 1 second and 9 seconds, in 1 second increments. The default time interval is 3
Note 11
- The Stick Reader can be configured for a continuously
activation signal, thus
eliminating the need to press the READ button. In this mode the activation signal
automatically continues after every tag read. This mode should be used only when (a)
powering the Stick Reader from a 6 VDC source, (b) when interference with other tag readers
is not likely, and (c) when powering the Reader from a source that can provide sufficient
operating time. Use the command <I05> to activate continuous reading (see page 9).
Figure 3 illustrates the read zone of the Stick Reader, within which tags can be
successfully detected and read. Optimum read distance occurs when the tag antenna
is aligned with the Stick Reader’s antenna as shown. When the tag is at the end of
the Stick Reader, optimum read distance coincides with a coaxial orientation of the
antennas, and when the tag is adjacent to the Stick Reader, optimum read distance
coincides with a planar orientation of the antennas.
Figure 3 - Optimum Read Distance Tag Orientation
Table 3 lists typical read distances that can be expected when operating the Stick
Reader at different power levels and when reading different types of Allflex eartags,
in the optimum tag orientation at the end of the Stick Reader (as shown in Figure 3).
Stick Reader
Read Zone