Fiber Optic Cable Installation and Handling Instructions
Publication 2090-IN010C-EN-P – April 2005
Use proper cable pulling techniques when routing cables.
the section
Fiber Optic Cable Pulling Techniques
earlier in this
Attach cables with plastic clamps having large surface areas.
Avoid pinching or squeezing cable. Cable clamps should be installed
manually with gentle pressure.
Figure 6 Proper Use of Plastic Clamps
Installation Checklist
Use the following installation checklist to ensure proper handling.
Installation Procedure
Maximum cable length not exceeded
Bending radius not exceeded
Maximum tensile load not exceeded;
proper pulling techniques used
Cable not squeezed or bent
Cable installed without loops in raceways
Cable protected from sharp edges
Fiber cable installed in separate raceways from copper
Cable connector cleanliness maintained
Cable connector finger tight to transceivers