Fiber Optic Cable Installation and Handling Instructions
Publication 2090-IN010C-EN-P – April 2005
Fiber Optic Cable Pulling Techniques
Installation methods for both wire cables and optical fiber cables are similar.
Just remember these rules:
Never pull on the connector.
The connector/cable interface is not
designed for pulling.
Use a pulling grip
designed for pre-connected fiber optic cables. Grips
with a fixed pull ring should use a swivel to attach the pull rope.
Monitor tension.
Do not exceed the maximum tensile load.
On runs from 40m to 100m, use proper lubricants and make sure they
are compatible with the cable jacket.
On runs over 100m, use proper lubricants and pull from the middle
out to both ends.
If possible, use an automated puller with tension control or at least a
breakaway-pulling eye.
Always use a straight pull.
Use cable guides to maintain the
recommended bend radius. Do not exceed the cable bend radius.
Exceeding the bend radius harms the fibers. It may not be immediate, it
may even take a few years but eventually by exceeding the
recommended bend radius of the cable you reduce the useful life of the
Figure 2 Proper Pulling Technique Through Conduit
Do not twist the cable.
Putting a twist in the cable can stress the fibers.
Straight Pull is OK.
Offset Pull is not Recommended