Communication Interface Module
Cat. No. 1784KT/B
Installation Data
Information is passed between the computer system and the 1784-KT
through 2 Kbytes of memory located in the interface module. This 2 Kbyte
memory is memory mapped into an open memory location in your
computer system. The definition of “open” is a location that has not been
configured for another optional interface card or system. The 1784-KT
address decoding allocates a 16 Kbyte memory location. So, when
selecting an open memory location, make sure there is a 16 Kbyte block.
Also, the definition of open applies to hardware system interrupts.
Depending on the interface card you have installed into your computer,
only a few select interrupts may be open for the 1784-KT.
Let’s say the targeted computer for installing a 1784-KT is an IBM PC-AT
with the following options:
640 K System Memory
EGA Card
Color Monitor
Diskette Drive
Hard Drive
IRQ 14
Serial Port Card
(Configured for port 1)
The memory map for this system would be what is documented in the
“System Memory Allocation Worksheet” (see page
) for the IBM
PC-AT. Open memory for a 1784-KT would be from 0B800:0000 to
0DF00:0FFF. By using the memory default setting, the 1784-KT would fit
into this open memory at locations 0D400:0000 to 0D700:0FFF.
The 1784-KT supports four interrupts: IRQ3, IRQ4, IRQ5, and IRQ7.
Refer to the “Hardware Interrupt Allocation Worksheet” (page
) for the
IBM PC-AT for possible open interrupts. Only IRQ4 is used for the serial
port card configured for port 1. The 1784-KT uses the “no interrupt”
setting as the default.
Use the following worksheets to help manage your system’s memory, I/O,
and interrupt assignments. The IBM PC-AT and IBM PC-XT system
assignments have been chosen as a reference. These IBM assignments are
available in their respective IBM Technical Manuals and are subject to
change by IBM.
Important: The 1784-KT does not require a system I/O address. The
1784-KT only uses addressable memory and an interrupt. The I/O map is
provided so that you can document your entire computer system.
To use the worksheets, enter your computer’s memory, I/O, and interrupt
assignments in the column labeled “Your System” .
System Memory and