EEPROM Memory Module
Product Data
Connect the power cable to the screw terminals on the processor, then
connect the power cable to the power source.
Turn on power to the processor and power supply module.
With the processor operating in remote program mode, store any data
table values that you want activated when the processor transfers
EEPROM back-up memory to processor memory. Otherwise, the
transition will occur with start-up data table values.
Duplicate and transfer your program to the EEPROM module. The
processor must be in remote program mode. Do this by holding the
processor’s MEMORY STORE switch in the ON position until the
green PROC RUN indicator on the processor turns on. This indicator
turns off after a few seconds.
If, for some reason, the EEPROM module cannot accept the
program, the red PROC FAULT indicator on the processor turns on
and stays on. Reset the fault by cycling power to the processor.
Check that you inserted the programming plug (jumper) on the
EEPROM module. Replace the EEPROM module, if necessary.
Remove the programming plug from your EEPROM module to guard
against unauthorized changes. First, remove the processor from the
I/O chassis according to steps 1 thru 4 of the EEPROM programming
procedure. Second, remove the EEPROM module from the processor
using the removal procedure. Remove the programming plug.
Using a blank label, identify the contents of your EEPROM module.
Re-install the EEPROM module in the processor by following the
installation procedure.
Re-install the processor in the I/O chassis and re-connect the power
Pressing the MEMORY STORE switch has no effect if you haven’t
installed an EEPROM module.
If you have installed an EEPROM module, pressing the MEMORY
STORE switch has no effect when the processor is in remote test or
run/program mode.