Chapter 4
Geometries with orientation support
Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-UM002F-EN-P - February 2018
Configure a Delta J1J2J3J4J5 coordinate system
Ry is limited to +/- 90 per Euler angle rules. Refer to Orientation Specification
for information about XYZ Fixed angles and Euler Angles Representation. Mirror
image refers to the way the Ry position trend looks with respect to +/- 90 .
When the J5 axis position is in the range of -90.0 > J5 > +90.0 , the Ry axis
position correlates inversely to J5 axis position. This range of operation is referred
to as the mirror non-flip region, and is similar in behavior to the Rz/J4 transform
position relationship.
When the J5 axis crosses the ninety degree boundary, the Ry axis position no
longer tracks the inverse of J5. Instead the Ry position reflects a positive
correlation with J5. This range of operation is referred to as mirror flip region.
See also
Rx axis position in mirror non-flip and flip regions
Rz axis position in mirror non-flip and flip regions
For certain geometries, such as the Delta J1J2J3J4J5, there is no direct control
over the Rx axis. Instead, the value of Rx can be one of two discrete values
depending on the J5/Ry position:
Rx position
Mirror non-flip
Mirror flip
Mirror image Ry orientation
Rx axis position in mirror
non-flip and mirror flip regions