Apply the round drop of blood to the side edge of the yellow window of the
test strip and then blood drop will be absorbed into the narrow channel.
Touch and hold the blood drop to the side edge of the yellow window of test
strip until blood completely
lls the con
rmation window and the meter beeps.
Then, your meter will start the countdown.
Apply the Blood Sample
You should apply blood to the arrow on the test strip as directed.
- Do not put blood on the top of the test strip
- Apply the blood drop to the side edge of the yellow
window of the test strip.
- If there is an insu
cient amount of blood in con
window, you may get inaccurate test result. See the picture in
the left for proper application of the required blood volume
to perform the test properly.
- Even if the meter begins the countdown despite the fact that
the con
rmation window is not completely
lled, do not
apply more blood to the test strip.
Discard the test strip and repeat the test with a new test strip.