Abbrev. TX default 50 parameter: 0 to 255
Example: TX 80
This is to determine the waiting time between PTT on and the transmission of the packet, in units of 10
microseconds. During the TXDELAY period, the Flag signal is transmitted. This Flag signal is used to divide
frames and to allow the radio to synthesize. Please calculate enough time for the Flag signal based on the physical
TX/RX change on the transceiver, and synthesizing timing. If the “sleep” or “battery save” mode is used at the
receiving end, you must calculate it also, or do not use sleep mode. When using digital modes, it is recommended
that “sleep” or “battery save” modes be deactivated.
4-2-7 AXDELAY command
Abbrev. AXD default 0 range 0 to 120
example AXD 10
This command is used to determine the initial time delay until the first TX starts when operating through a
voice repeater. The value is set in increments of 10m Seconds.
To send packets through a voice repeater, other than the time set for TXDELAY command, additional delay can be
set with this command before the packet is sent after the PTT is activated. This parameter will be disregarded
when the time set with AXHANG command has not elapsed since the last transmission was completed. If you do
not use a voice-repeater, or you are using digipeaters, the parameter can remain set at the default value (0).
4-2-8 AXHANG command
Abbrev. AXH default 0 range 0-250
example AXH 10
Sets time for voice repeater “hang” (squelch-tail) timing. However this parameter MUST be set a little shorter
than the actual hang time of the repeater. The unit is in 100mSeconds.
While the repeater is in hang mode, it is still operating thus it is not necessary to have a delay time. To retransmit
the packet before the AXHANG parameter time has elapsed, the delay is disregarded. This parameter will become
effective when retransmitting after the AXHANG parameter time has elapsed.
4-2-9 FULLDUP command
Abbrev. FU default OFF range ON/OFF
example FU OFF
Selects full-duplex mode or simplex mode.
ON: Full-Duplex
OFF: Semi-Duplex
In Full-Duplex mode, a transmission will take place regardless if the frequency is clear or not. This mode is
used for communications using separate TX/RX frequencies, such as a satellite or full-duplex repeater
Choose simplex mode for normal two-way communications on a single frequency. In this mode, transmission
takes place only when the frequency is not in use.
4-3 Reception related commands
4-3-1 PASSALL command
Abbrev. PASSA default: OFF parameter: ON/OFF
example: PASSALL ON
In AX. 25 protocol, it detects the error on frames using CRC code. PASSALL command determines how to
process such errors, if found. If it’s ON, the error frame is accepted. If OFF is selected only correct frames are