Mobile Timing MT1
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Good GPS reception with 3D-fix:
3D-Fix is displayed with four dots around the circle. The blinking dot in the middle shows the
correct reception of the highly precise second impulse.
When the device receives a GPS signal with 3D-fix, it will trim the internal quartz to highest
possible precision. There will be no re-synchronization of the MT1. No time jump will occur in
this case. The long time deviation will be within 0,000001 seconds.
Two or more MT1 devices must not be closer than 30 cm to each other. This can disturb GPS
alge-results.com platform
The MT1 system is maintained over the
. Then login:
If you do not have an account, you have to create one.
IE11 and older browsers are not supported.
Create account
Then please fill up the sign form.
At the bottom of the sign up form choose “register as timekeeper”. Otherwise you will not be
able to manage devices and events.
Add device
To manage your device, you have to add the device to your account. Switch on your MT1 de-
vice and click to “REGISTER DEVICE” in your web browser.