5. Operation
Pay attention to possible faults
Read the instructions carefully
Step 1
The Alfa Laval Gamajet was configured to meet certain operating conditions supplied to us, such as flow rate (m
/Hr/ GPM),
pressure (Bar/ PSI), temperature, chemical content of the wash fluid, cycle time, etc. If the Nozzle size is too small and/or the
opening at the bottom of the Stator is too large, the Tee Housing will not turn.
Look for restrictions in the fluid supply such as a clogged filter, kinked hose, or deposits in the piping.
Step 2
A newly overhauled Alfa Laval GJ 8 may fail to operate when first returned to service. If the machine seems otherwise fine, try
running it with at least one Nozzle Tip removed. The reduction in pressure and additional flow will invariably be enough to
overcome the extra resistance of new Bearings and Seals. A few minutes of operation should loosen the clearances enough for
the machine to run normally with the Nozzles remounted.
Step 3
Loosen the Collar Set Screw (45) and remove the Collar (8), then lift out the Stator (9). Look for and remove any debris caught
in the passageways of Stator and Rotor (10). Remove any material wound around the Rotor Shaft (21). In addition check for
any debris caught in the outlet holes of the Stem (3), the vent holes of the (26), the nose of the Tee Housing (4), the Nozzle
Housing (5), and the Nozzles (7).