V2.1 UQ1399A P168A Quickstart for standard systems.doc Page 5 of 8
Pairing and Maintenance Instructions
The monitor will usually be paired to the pager before it is shipped to you. If
this is not the case, the instructions below will show you how to pair them
Pairing the Monitor to the Pager
Ensure the monitor is turned on. Pairing is only possible within 30 seconds of
powering up the pager. To pair the Monitor to the Page; place the monitor
close to the pager and press and hold the Pair button on the pager. Stimulate
any radio transmission from the monitor. e.g. Pressing a reset button or
triggering an alarm. Or you could wait for the 8 second Safelink® signal. If
successful you will hear a beep and see the red Monitor LED blip when
pairing is successful, you can then release the pair button. A lower burp with
no red light indicates the monitor is too far away to pair. This protects against
falsely pairing with another, distant, monitor
To clear all paired monitors from the pager memory, press and hold both the
ON/OFF button and the Mute/ Pair button together within the first 30
seconds after power-up, until the ensuing tone sequence has finished
sounding and the green Pager LED lights, then release both buttons.
Routine Testing
It is recommended to test the system weekly by simulating an alarm state
and ensuring the alarm call is sent to the pager.