www.AlenCorp.com 1-800-630-2396
The blue light at the bottom of my unit is blinking.
This indicates that the UV light will soon burn out. Call 1-800-630-2396 to order a replace-
ment UV light. UV lights are like normal light bulbs and will last approximately nine to
twelve months when operated continuously.
I have an issue not listed in this manual.
Please visit www.AlenCorp.com and send us a message or call 1-800-630-2396. A customer
service representative will respond to your inquiry in a timely manner, in most cases within a
couple of hours.
What information do I need when I contact customer service for warranty?
Please refer to the rating label on the side of the unit. This rating label has your unit’s lot
code and other important information we need to assist you.
What is Covered?
Alen offers the industry’s first LIFETIME LIMITED WARRANTY program for all our air
purifiers. We warrant your Alen air purifier to be free from defects in materials or workman-
ship for as long as you own it.
What Will Alen Do?
Alen will, at its option, either furnish a replacement part or replace your air purifier provided
the product is determined by Alen to be defective as a result of faulty material or workman-
ship while in normal use. Replacement parts or units will, at Alen’s option, be either new or
refurbished. Alen’s sole obligation under this warranty is to replace defective parts or replace
your air purifier free of charge.
How To get Service?
This warranty will be valid only for units in possession of the original purchaser. Proof of
purchase must be presented to Alen’s warranty service representative. All parts or units that
are replaced become the property of Alen. To obtain warranty service, the defective product
or part must be shipped or delivered to Alen’s authorized service center. All postage, insur-
ance and shipping charges by you to Alen and from Alen to you are the responsibility of the
purchaser and are not included in this warranty. Call 1-800-630-2396 for warranty claim
shipping address.
Your Lifetime Limited Warranty Program Remains in Effect only if:
Your Alen air purifier is operated in accordance with the instructions provided in the Alen
user manual. This includes replacing the filter at least once every six (6) months of use to
prevent excessive stress on the motor. While you can purchase replacement filters through
any authorized dealer, if you are enrolled in any of Alen’s replacement filter Auto Ship plans
you are considered in compliance with the foregoing requirement. Visit http://www.alencorp.
com/filters or call 1-800-630-2396 to enroll in Auto Ship.