March 23, 2012 • Alcorn McBride ProTraXX User’s Manual • Rev 1.4 •
Page 31
Special Playlist Commands
In addition to regular ProTraXX commands listed in the
section, there are a few additional commands for the Playlist
Control interface. These single-character commands further modify the
behavior of the playlists to provide additional features that only apply to the
Playlist Control interface of the ProTraXX. These characters and their
functions are listed in the following table:
Wait. Playlist pauses in the current position until
another ‘Play’ command occurs, at which time it
resumes processing of the playlist. This is useful for
applications where a user interactively controls the
progression of play.
Loop. Tells the playlist to loop upon completion.
This looping will continue indefinitely until a Stop
condition occurs, or another audio or playlist file is
played on that channel.
Comment. Ignore all characters until the next line.
Commands may be entered into the Playlist in either upper or lower case. All
text following a semicolon (;) is interpreted as comments, until the next line
in the file. You may put anything you want in comments, including the
special command characters normally used in the Playlist.