62 English
The Configuration > Dimmer option allows you to adjust the brightness of the
light. You can also shift the light mode by pressing the light button on the remote
control. Two modes are available:
Power Saving:
With this option the display gets dimmed after 15 seconds without
command. When a command from the remote control is received the light is turned
back on automatically. You can select how much the backlight shall be dimmed.
Turn On:
Select to turn the light always on.
Sleep Timer
The Configuration > Sleep Timer option allows you to select a preset amount of time
after which the device shuts off. You can also set the sleep timer by pressing the
Sleep button on the remote control. When this function is activated, the icon will
appear at the upper right corner of the display, left of this icon you will see the
minutes left. Six options are available: Turn Off, 15 Minutes, 30 Minutes, 60 Minutes,
90 Minutes, 120 Minutes, 150 Minutes and 180 Minutes.