SATARaid Controller Manual
4. At the end, the utility will ask “Are You Sure?” before executing the new configuration.
Confirm to finish.
Auto Configuration?
Manual Configuration?
Source Drive?
0 PM
1 SM
Disk Copy?
Online Copy?
Offline Copy?
Target Drive?
0 PM
1 SM
Select the target drive. There will
actually only be one option here and
the option that displays will depend on
your selection in the previous
Select whether you would like to
perform a disk copy. This is only
required when the source drive
already contains data and you need
to initialize the target drive with the
same data.
Select whether you would like to
perform the disk copy offline or online.
Select either manual or auto
configuration. Note that you must use
“Manual” if you are installing a disk
that already contains data.
Choose the source drive as the primary
or secondary drive. “0 PM” represents
the connector “SATA1” on the
mainboard. “1 SM” represents SATA2”
on the mainboard.