9. Select jumper options
(J1- J4) as follows. Refer to
Fig. 2. The unit is factory
supplied with the Annunciator
option enabled (J3 installed)
and 2-Minute Shutdown
alarm selected (J4 removed).
Important: Changes in
the jumper configuration do not become effective until the
unit is subsequently armed.
J1: Entry Delay
. Alarm will sound 15 seconds after any
unauthorized entry if unit is armed. This feature is used for
authorized entry. Disarming within 15 seconds will prevent
an alarm. To enable Entry Delay, install JI across both pins.
J2: Exit Delay
. Unit will be activated after 15 seconds
each time unit is armed to allow authorized exit without an
alarm. To enable Exit Delay, install J2 across both pins.
J3: Annunciator
. Unit will sound for2 seconds whenever
the door is opened while disarmed. To disable the Annun-
ciator, remove J3.
J4: Continuous/2-Minute Shutdown
. With J4 on, an
alarm will sound continuously until the battery is depleted.
With J4 off, the alarm will silence after two minutes and the
unit will rearm (if the door is closed). The LED will start
flashing to indicate that an alarm has occurred (Alarm
Memoiy). Alarm Memory is cleared after about 4 hours or
when the unit is rearmed.
If the door is still open after
two minutes, the alarm will restart.
Jumper J4 is connected at the factory to only one
pin of the 2-pin connector (off). To select Continuous alarm,
remove J4 and reinstall it across both pins.
10. Install the cover onto the baseplate, checking that
the slide switch on the PC board fits into the cam hole.
Secure the cover with #6-32 screws supplied.
: The
longest screw is the tamper screw. If not using a template,
do not install the tamper screw until the magnet has been
aligned and secured as follows.
11. (If the unit has been installed with the aid of a
template, proceed to step 12.) After power-up, but before
the tamper screw is installed, the unit will be in the Magnet
Alignment Mode.
a. Place the magnet against the wall, adjacent to the
bottom of the unit. Slowly slide the magnet upward. The
LED will come on, indicating closure of the reed switch,
then go out. Mark the door jamb at the bottom of the
magnet. (
: Sliding the magnet still further will cause the
LED to light again; ignoresubsequent indications.)
b. Similarly, place the magnet against the wall, adjacent
to the top of the unit. Slowly slide the magnet downward.
The LED will come on, then go out once again (see Note in
step 11a). Mark the doorjamb at the top of the magnet.
12. Install the magnetic actuator so that it is centered
between the two marks. Use the two #8 sheet-metal
screws supplied.
: On steel frames, it is sometimes
necessary to install a non-magnetic shim between the
magnetic actuator and the frame. This is done to prevent
the steel frame from absorbing the magnet’s magnetic field,
which could cause a constant or occasional false alarm
condition. The shim should be 1/2” x 21/2” x 1/8” thick
non-magnetic material such as plastic, bakelite or rubber.
After the magnet has been aligned and mounted, the
tamper screw may be installed. This will place the unit in its
regular Standby Mode
(PG1E only)
External wiring to the
PG21E requires that the unit
be mounted on the frame with
the magnet on the adjacent
door. (The PG21 E may be
mounted on a door with the addition of a Model 271 Flexible
Cable.) All wiring is made Fig. 3. Wiring Diagram. at its
terminal strip. Wiring connections are summarized in the
Wiring Diagram shown in Fig. 3.
Relay (Terminals 1-3)
. Terminal I = Normally Closed;
Terminal 2 = Common; Terminal 3 = Normally Open.
Reed Switch (Terminals 4 & 5).
Connect external reed-
switch contacts to Terminals 4 and 5 and remove both
jumpers. Note: If reed switches are wired in series as
shown in Fig. 4, several doors may be monitored simulta-
neously. Using #22AWG wire, maximum wiring distance
should not exceed 50 feet.
Power (Terminals 6 & 7).
Connect an external power
supply: positive (+) to Terminal 7; negative (—) to Terminal
6. Leave the internal battery in as a backup battery. If using
the Alarm Lock PP100 Power Supply, connect the two
battery clips to the unit and the internal battery as labeled.
1. With the door closed, turn the key fully clockwise, then
release. A brief tone will sound indicating that the unit is
armed (with or without delays, see options in INSTALLA-
TION: step 9).
2. Push test button; the LED will come on for one second
verifying that unit is armed. (If unit is disarmed, LED will not
come on.) Note: If the test button is held down longer than
2 seconds, the sounder will be tested.
3. Open the door. A sweep siren alarm should sound.
4. Model PG21E only: On alarm, the relay will activate
and remain latched for as long as the sounder is on. Relay
contacts are rated at I 25Vac/dc at ½A.
5. To reset the alarm, turn key fully clockwise once again,
then release. The unit is now disarmed.
Low Battery.
In operation, whether armed or disarmed,
the LED will blink about once every 4 hours when checking
battery status. When the battery becomes weak, the unit
will chirp and the LED will flash about once per minute to
indicate the need for replacement.
Fig. 2. CLEAR Button and Jumpers.