To explore the stations that have been found, you need to press either the "Up " or "Down " keys. Every time
you press the up or down buttons you will skip to the next found station. When you find a station that you
would like to listen to, then press the "Select " key, the radio will now switch to that station and display the
station name. If you don't press the select key, the display will revert back to the original station after 4 seconds.
When you start up the radio again, the radio plays the same mode (DAB or FM) as last operation. In case of
DAB mode (or if it is the first time the unit is powered on), the following message will be displayed for 2
seconds and LCD backlight will light for 5 seconds.
3.1 Auto Select
Instead of having to press the " select " key after you have found a station that you would like to listen to, you
can set the radio so that as you scroll through the stations you listen to each on in turn. This is great for quickly
checking what's on each station. To enable this feature, select a station in the normal manner, but then press and
hold the " select " key, The display will show " Autoselect ON ", the next time you press either the " Up " or
" Down " key, it will automatically select station.
To turn the Auto Select off, press either the" Up " or " Down " key, then quickly follow this by pressing and
holding the " Select" key until the display shows " Autoselect off ".
3.2 Storing stations
You can store up to 10 of your favorite stations to the preset keys, this will enable you to get access your
favorite station at the touch of one button.
To store a preset, you must first be listening to the station that you would like to save, then press and hold
one of the presets labeled 1-5 for 2 seconds. The LCD will then show "
Preset # stored
Remark: If you want to save Radio 2 to Preset 6, you should press the " Shift " Key to switch the Preset 1-5 to
Preset 6-10 station, then press the number 1 button.
3.3 Recalling a stored station
Once you have saved a station to one of the presets, you can recall it by pressing and releasing the
corresponding preset key, e.g. if you saved Radio 1 to Preset 1, then just press the number 1 preset key. If you
press a preset that hasn't been allocated a station, then it will display
preset # empty
3. DAB mode
2. Memory
Digital Radio