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Converting to Accept 5 high level inputs and 1 phono input
These modifications will give you 5 high level inputs and 1 phono input. After
performing these modifications, TAPE HEAD and SPECIAL will both accept normal
high level inputs.
Ground Changes, refer to Figure 9.
Desolder the ground wire from FRONT PC-16, eyelet 2. Cover the bare
portion with electrical tape, but leave it connected to the switch.
Desolder the ground wire from REAR PC-16, eyelet 2. Cover the bare
portion with electrical tape but leave it connected to the switch.
Remove the following ground wires at the rear panel:
Short Lug 2-3 to Short Lug 4-5
Short Lug 13-14 to Short Lug 15-16
Add the following ground wires at the rear panel:
Short Lug 4-5 to Short Lug 6-7
Short Lug 15-16 to Short Lug 17-18
Selector Switch Wiring Changes, refer to Figure 8.
Identify the wire that connects to terminal 5F of the front deck of the
selector switch. De-solder its far end (it will typically be connected to
eyelet 1 of the front PC-16).
Identify the wire that connects to terminal 2F of the front deck of the
selector switch. De-solder its far end (it will typically be connected to
eyelet 5 of the front PC-16).
Twist the above two wires together, solder, and tape the connection.
The effect of this is to connect together front-deck selector switch
terminals 2F and 5F.
Identify the wire that connects to terminal 5F of the rear deck of the
selector switch. De-solder its far end (it will typically be connected to
eyelet 1 of the rear PC-16).
Identify the wire that connects to terminal 2F of the rear deck of the
selector switch. De-solder its far end (it will typically be connected to
eyelet 5 of the rear PC-16).
Twist the above two wires together, solder, and tape the connection.
The effect of this is to connect together rear-deck selector switch
terminals 2F and 5F.