SP2+ Introduction Manual
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Data Collection Type:
This refers to the data collection from the sensor and how the data is then
displayed on the graphs.
There are four options for the collection of data: Average, Highest, Lowest and Instantaneous. The
default setting is “Average”.
When the
data collection type is set to “Average” the averaged value between 2 graph intervals is
stored and output graphs for the daily, monthly, and yearly all have the same size on the screen. For
the daily graph, each data point on the graph is one data point collected from the sensor. But for the
monthly and yearly graph, in order to display more data into the same size as the daily graph, some
consolidation on the data is needed. One data point on the monthly and yearly graph is an average of
the sensor data in a range.
The maximum and minimum values showing on the monthly and yearly graphs are the value of this
consolidated data and not the raw data over that period of that time.
The When the Data Collection Type is set to the Highest setting then you will get the graphing output
displaying the sensors highest average readings during sampling. This is the same for the Lowest
setting (lowest average).
With the Instantaneous setting you can store the actual value of the sensor at the sampling interval
without averaging.
Graph Enable:
In order to save the data from the sensors on the unit you will need to enable the
Graphing feature on the unit. You need to change the Enable Graph to the On position and click on
the Save button to enable the graphing. Note that you could also enable the graphing from the
Summary page.
Filter Status:
The Sensor Filter Status is a feature that you can Enable or Disable and when enabled
will check the sensor status. If the status of the sensor changes very rapidly, then it will report how
many times the sensor status changed, instead of having multiple separate entries in the syslog.
When enabled, this will report the changes and status of a sensor only once.