KiStor Dock v1.1
Korea KCC Compliance Statement
1) Class A ITE
1) Class A device
Taiwan Compliance Statement
This is a Class B product based on the standard of the Bureau of Standards, Metrology
and Inspection (BSMI) CNS 13438, Class B.
Japanese Compliance Statement
This is a Class B product based on the standard of the VCCI Council. If this is used near a
radio or television receiver in a domestic environment, it may cause radio interference.
Install and use the equipment according to the instruction manual.
Chinese Compliance
This product has been tested to the following Chinese standards:
GB13837-2003, GB8898-2011, and GB17625.1-2003
This product meets the requirements of implementation rules for compulsory
(REF NO. CNCA-01C-17:2010).
급 기기
( 업무용 방송통신기자재 )
이 기기는 업무용 (A 급 ) 전자파적
합기기로서 판매자 또는 사용자는
이 점을 주의하시기 바라며 , 가정
외의 지역에서 사용하는 것을
목적으로 합니다 .
Class A
(Broadcasting Communication
Equipment for Office Use)
As an electromagnetic wave equipment
for office use (Class A), this equipment is
intended to use in other than home area.
Sellers or users need to take note of this.
1. Class B ITE
この装置は、 ク ラ ス B 情報技術装置です。 こ の装置は、 家庭環境で使用す る こ と を目
的 と し ていますが、 この装置が ラ ジオやテ レ ビ ジ ョ ン受信機に近接 し て使用 さ れる と 、
受信障害を引き起 こ す こ と があ り ます。
取扱説明書に従 っ て正 し い取 り 扱い を し て下 さ い。 V C C I - B