10 GigE IP Mini-Converters SMPTE 2110 IP Transmit/Receive v2.2r1 52 www.aja.com
The Presets screen also includes Export and Import functions that allow exporting
one or all presets to your computer as files and importing exported preset files
from your computer. A displayed message indicates successful or failed saves,
recalls, exports, and imports.
Presets Screen Controls
Factory Reset -
Factory Reset recalls all editable parameters to their factory
default settings. Individual presets and Network settings, such as the IP
Addresses, are not affected.
Recall -
The Recall buttons recall the saved preset configurations.
When you recall a Preset Configuration, the recalled preset immediately
replaces the system’s existing configuration. All previous settings are lost unless
you have previously stored them in another preset configuration or an exported
Save -
The Save buttons let you save the current configuration into the preset
register with the associated name and number. A preset is a set of all
parameters as they were set at the time the preset was saved. Only editable
parameters are saved in the presets. Non-editable parameters are not saved.
To change a preset name, click in the name’s text field, type a new name, and
press Enter to save the name. After entering text, you can click the mouse
outside of the edit box to exit without changing the name.
IP Mini-Converter stored presets may contain a web server access password.
If you share an exported preset to someone, that person can extract the
password. Before loaning the device to someone, or returning it as a rental, it is
recommended that you clear the device of sensitive information.
Export -
The Export buttons save the associated preset contents to a file on your
computer. The file gets exported to the default download location specified in
your browser options. The file name is the same as the preset name with the
. If you export multiple files for the same preset, a number gets
appended to ensure a unique file name. The file size is small, usually less than
100 kilobytes.
Import -
The Import buttons let you browse for and import a preset file on
your computer into the preset register associated with the selected button.
A dialog box warns you that the operation will overwrite the current preset
contents with the file contents. You can only import presets from an IP Mini-
Erase -
The Erase buttons erase the data in that preset.
Export Presets 1–20 (All) -
Export All lets you save the contents of all presets to a
file on your computer.
The file gets exported to the default download location specified in your
browser options with the name
. If you export multiple files, a
number gets appended to ensure a unique file name.
Import Presets 1–20 (All) -
Import All lets you browse for and import a
previously exported
file from your computer. A dialog box warns
you that the operation will overwrite all 20 current preset contents with the
contents stored in the file.
Erase Presets 1–20 (All) -
Erase All erases all data from all the presets. A dialog
box warns you that the operation will erase all 20 current presets.