Table of Contents
Liability ........................................................................................................................1
Initial Warning .............................................................................................................1
Assembly and Installation Instructions........................................................................2
Care and Maintenance Instructions............................................................................2
Use Instructions ..........................................................................................................3
Trampoline Safety and Accident Prevention...............................................................4
Owner’s and Supervisor’s Role in Preventing Injuries & Responsibilities ......................4
User’s Role in Preventing Injuries & Responsibilities ....................................................4
Trampoline & Enclosure Assembly .............................................................................5 - 8
Parts List.....................................................................................................................9
Limited Warranty.........................................................................................................10
While every attempt is made to embody the highest degree of protection in all equipment, we
cannot guarantee freedom from injury. The user assumes all risk of injury due to use. All mer-
chandise is sold on this condition, which no representative of the company can waive or change.
Read these materials prior to assembling and using this trampoline.
For Recreational Use ONLY. Not for Professional Use.
Weight Limit for Trampoline & Enclosure User is 60 lb.
The metal frame of the trampoline enclosure will conduct electricity. Lights, extension cords, and all such electrical equipment
must never be allowed to come in contact with the enclosure.
Inspect the enclosure before each use. Make sure the straps and all parts are correctly and securely positioned and attached.
Tighten any loose hardware. Replace any worn, defective, or missing parts.
Wear comfortable clothing free of hooks, snaps, drawstrings or anything which may snag or catch in the safety enclosure
mesh. Remove jewelry, necklaces, and earrings.
Climb on and off the trampoline only through the safety enclosure entrance and securely close entrance. Users, especially
children, must not attempt to enter or exit between the trampoline frame and the enclosure. Doing this may pose a
strangulation risk.
Do not touch or rebound off the safety enclosure mesh while using the trampoline.
Read all instructions and complete all assembly before allowing your child to use the trampoline & safety enclosure.
Use trampoline and trampoline enclosure only with mature, knowledgeable adult supervision.
In addition to the instructions and precautions provided with your Trampoline, the following
precautions must be observed while using the Trampoline Safety Enclosure.
DO NOT attempt or allow somersaults on the Trampoline. Landing on the head or neck can cause serious injury, paralysis, or death,
even when landing in the middle of the bed.
Do not allow more than one person on the trampoline or inside t
he trampoline enclosure. Use by more than one person at the same
time can result in serious injuries.