Eubank 7AA1024H-1060H & 7AA2024H-2060H I&O Manual 03/2021 Rev.1
Hard Start Kit
Used on single phase equipment to give the compressor higher starting torque under low voltage conditions.
Field installed only. (Not generally recommended for use on scroll compressor.)
Adjustable Outdoor Thermostat
Will not allow electric resistance heat to be energized unless the outdoor temperature is below the desired
set point. Field or factory installed. Available on all 7AA units. P/N 93934
Single Point Feed
When multiple internal disconnects are used, single point feed permits only one field power supply to
heat pump. Field installed only. Available on all Eubank heat pump units.
Energy Management System (EMS)
Relay to control the heat pump. Available in 24, 120 or 240 VAC. Field or factory installed.
Electric Reheat for Dehumidification
Control provides simultaneous operation of compressor when in cooling mode and the electric elements
to provide dehumidification without over cooling the room. The electric element (kW) must be properly
sized for each model for proper operation. Factory installed. Available on all Eubank 7AA heat pumps.
Consult factory for details.
Hot Gas Reheat (HGR)
heat pumps equipped with the Hot Gas Reheat (HGR) allow the indoor humidity of the controlled
environment to be maintained at or below a certain humidity set point. These units do not have the ability
to add humidity to the classroom.
Dehumidification is achieved by operating mechanical cooling in conjunction with a hot gas reheat coil.
The coil is sized approximately to the sensible capacity of the total tonnage of the machine.
Speed Control for GreenWheel
ERV Exhaust Blower
For separate control of the exhaust blower. When used, the standard speed controller operates the intake
blower and the optional second controller the exhaust blower. Individual blower control allows positive
pressurization of the classroom. Can be factory or field installed.
Cold Climate Kit (Eubank Heat Pumps in Cooling Mode)
Controls and components which allow the units to operate in extremely cold temperatures. The kit
includes a suction line accumulator, thermal expansion valve (TXV), crankcase heater, hard start kit,
and an outdoor thermostat and fan cycle switch. The fan cycle control is standard on all Eubank 7AA
heat pumps and operates based upon the liquid line pressure. The outside thermostat opens whenever
the outside temperature is below 50°F (10°C) and closes when the outside temperature is 50°F (10°C)
or higher. Whenever the temperature is below 50°F (10°C), the fan cycle switch is in the circuit; when
temperatures are 50°F (10°C) or higher, the fan cycle switch is not in the circuit. The outdoor thermostat
is used with a TXV to prevent excessive cycling or “hunting” of the TXV.
Desert Duty (Eubank Heat Pumps in Cooling Mode)
Controls and components which allow the units to operate in very hot ambients (131°F/55°C). Includes
a thermal expansion valve, a sealed condenser fan motor, slotted base pan and a sealed control box. A
closed loop design on the heat pump unit insures that no outside air is introduced into the shelter.
1.8 Economizer Operation and Components
Damper Actuator
The damper actuator is a motor that modulates the position of the damper blade. It is controlled by the
enthalpy controller and powered by the 24 VAC control transformer. It is capable of driving a full 90
degrees within 90 seconds. The assembly has a spring return to close the damper during power outage.