D - 15
D - 16
Below 10 VDC the detector will continue to operate but will blink alternately
green and orange. Below 8 VDC the unit will behave erratically and will eventu-
ally shut off. To ensure proper operation, do not operate the unit below 10
The failure of any circuit component will cause the detector to display a con-
tinuous orange LED fault light and a short beep indicating failure. If this occurs,
immediately contact your dealer or Airstream Customer Service for the name
of the nearest detector service center.
Please read the operating instructions for your detector, which have been sup-
plied with the paper work of your unit.
: Have a professional technician check all safety re-
lated systems yearly or whenever any doubts of their ability to function
properly arise.
In time you will develop a knack for spotting wonderful little roadside loca-
tions by turning off the main highway and exploring. There are many modern
recreational vehicle parks, including State, County and Federal parks with good
facilities, where you may obtain hookups of electrical, water and sewer con-
nections. Directories are published which describe in detail these parks and tell
what is available in the way of services and hookups.
All you need to do to enjoy the self-contained luxury is to:
1. Turn on LP gas supply and light appliance pilots if required.
2. Turn on water pump and open faucets until air is expelled from the system.
Before moving on, turn off the LP gas and water pump. Check your campsite,
both for cleanliness and to be sure you haven’t left anything behind. Make sure
everything is properly stowed.
Overnight or Weekend Trips
On overnight or weekend trips, chances are you will not use up the capacity
of the holding tanks, deplete the water supply, or run down the battery which
supplies the living area 12 volt current.