1. Size : 24.0 X 24.0 X 5.9 (inch)
2. It can collect dust of 0.3㎛ up to 99.97%
in accordance with the standard of
weight method
Change of filter
◈ At the time the pressure gauge value is 0.64 in high, and more than 0.56 in low.
◈ At the time the filter is damaged due to a long-time use.
◈ At the time the inhaling power falls due to a clogging in the filter.
Time of filter change
◈ As the asbestos dust attached to the filter may be scattered, do work in a closed space,
wearing a protective gear
◈ Cut the main power, then do work.
◈ The removed filter after change must put in a doubled vinyl pack, then discard it legally.
Cautions for filter change
How to change filter
·1-1 After opening the door,
pull out the reinforced
·1-2 Change the filter
contaminated or
damaged as the picture.
·Fix the filter in reverse order.
1. Pre-Filter change