NOTE: If you are installing the transducer with NO fairing,
disregard all references to a fairing and backing block. Skip to
“Hole Drilling” on page 3.
Cutting the Fairing
The arrow on the fairing points forward toward the
bow when installed. Be sure to orient the fairing on the band saw,
so the angle cut matches the intended side of the hull and not the
mirror image.
: Shape the fairing to the hull as precisely as possible. If
there are gaps between the fairing and the hull near the ends, cut
a new fairing. Over tightening the rods to minimize gaps may
crack the transducer and/or crush the fairing.
Metal hull
—The holes for the anti-rotation studs must be
enlarged to accommodate the isolation sleeving. Using a 10mm
(3/8") drill bit, enlarge the two holes in the fairing.
2. Measure the deadrise angle of the hull at the selected mounting
location using an angle finder or a digital level (Figure 3).
3. Tilt the band saw table to the measured angle and secure the
cutting fence (Figure 4).
4. Fasten the fairing to the center of the block of wood using the
four corner holes and No. 8 screws.
5. Place the fairing on the table so the cutting guide rests against
the fence. The arrow will be pointing
you for installation
on the starboard side of the boat or
from you for
installation on the port side (Figure 5).
6. Adjust the cutting fence, so the fairing will be cut in about two
equal parts (Figure 3).
The section that will become the fairing
must be a minimum of 7mm (9/32") at its thinnest dimension
This number corresponds to the flange on the fairing.
7. Recheck steps 1 through 5. Then cut the fairing.
Check the fit of the fairing by placing it against the hull,
being sure it is parallel to the centerline of the boat (keel)
Hold the fairing on the ends and try to rock it back and forth.
Shape the fairing to the hull as precisely as possible with a rasp
or power tool until it no longer rocks.
9. Remove the fairing from the block of wood.
10.Use the remaining section of the fairing with the cutting guide
as the backing block.
Hole Drilling
Cored fiberglass hull—Follow separate instructions on page 6.
1. Locate and drill the holes for the transducer stem and anti-rotation
studs, using the fairing or the provided template on page 8 as a
guide (Figure 4, 5, 6, or 7). Align the fairing or template parallel to
the centerline of the boat (keel).
• Drill 3mm (1/8") pilot holes for the transducer stem and the
two anti-rotation studs.
• Using the appropriate drill bits/hole saw, drill the holes for
the transducer stem and the two anti-rotation studs.
—Drill through the holes in the fairing to be sure the
holes are drilled
perpendicular to the waterline
and not at
the angle of the hull.
NO Fairing
—Be sure to drill the holes perpendicular to the
2. Sand and clean the area around the holes, inside and outside,
to ensure the marine sealant will adhere properly to the hull. If
there is any petroleum residue inside the hull, remove it with
either a mild household detergent or a weak solvent (alcohol)
before sanding.
Metal hull
—Remove all burrs with a file and sandpaper.
hull nut
Figure 2.
7mm (9/32")
fairing thickness
aft view
slope of hull
parallel to
Deadrise angle and fairing thickness
Figure 3. Cutting the fairing
cutting guide
of fairing
band saw
toward you
for installation
on the starboard
Copyright © 2010 - 2016 Airmar Technology Corp.
side of the hull
arrow points