Email: [email protected]
K: Temperature Factor.
For a 10h discharge capacity test, K=0.006/
; For a 3h discharge capacity test,
; For a 2h discharge capacity test, K=0.0085/
; For a 1h discharge capacity
test, K=0.01/
8.7 Relations between Range and Load
Relations between Range and Load
Similar to the relations between fuel consumption and cargo load, range per charge is
related to rider's body weight. In light of the conclusion we draw from practical tests
(rider’s weight: 60kg; riding speed: 7km/h and constant; road condition: smooth and
flat), range per charge falls by 1.5-2.0km for each additional gain of 10kg.
8.8 Questions Mostly Asked
Q: How can I tell the front and rear end of Airwheel?
A: Front and rear end are not strictly defined on Airwheel Mars Rover; it’s depended on
personal riding preference. Typically the side with power button on the right is
prioritized as the front end to facilitate turning it on and off.
Q: When I turn on my Airwheel, all 4 LED indicators are on before blacking out a second
later, and then after 3 seconds they are lit again, is it normal?
A: Airwheel initiates with testing its power level indicator and beeper before launching
self-inspection of the other major parts when the indicators are lit 3 seconds later.
That's perfectly normal.