AIRDESIGN – The Sock Manual – V1.7– 2022 09 30
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The Sock is certified according to the EN 1651 and the NfL 2-565-20 for a maximum pilot weight of
As a light harness, it is not advised to perform any acrobatic maneuver.
Towing is permitted providing it’s done under professional supervision, with a specific quick release
system, connected to the main carabiners, taking care that there is no possible interaction of the
towing system with the reserve container.
Please read this manual carefully and thoroughly.
The choice of your harness size is important. The chart will help you to choose but we recommend
that you try the equipment at one of our dealers.
By the purchase of this equipment, you are responsible for being a certified paraglider pilot and you
accept all risks inherent with paragliding activities including injury and death.
Improper use or misuse of paragliding equipment greatly increases these risks.
Neither AirDesign nor the seller of AirDesign equipment shall be held liable for personal or third party
injuries or damages under any circumstances.
If any aspect of the use of our equipment remains unclear, please contact your local paragliding
instructor, AirDesign dealer or the AirDesign importer in your country.