Your HD Airbrush Make-Up System
Open your HD Airbrush Make-Up System by
depressing the two green buttons on the front
of the unit. When open, remove the protective
cover from the mirror.
1. Assemble your Airbrush
Screw the connector to the body of
the airbrush.
Attach the hose to the body of
the airbrush.
2. Preparing your High
Definition Airbrush
Make-Up System for use
Remove the plug from the recess and
attach to the socket in the back of the
unit. Plug this in to your mains supply.
Switch on the unit with the on/off
button located to the left of the unit.
This provides the airbrush with a
continuous flow of air.
Turn the lights on as desired using the
switch to the right of the mirror.
You’re good to go!
3. Applying your High
Definition Make-Up
Decant 4-6 drops of foundation in to the
product cup (top up as required).
PRO TIP: You can mix drops of
different Airbase Foundation shades to
produce your exact match.
First, test the flow of make-up. To do this, pull back the airbrush
trigger and direct the nozzle towards the back of your hand
or trial this on a tissue. When the make-up begins to flow you
are ready to spray on to your face.
Hold 5 - 10cm from your face and apply as desired using
circular movements. When working around your nose it is
important to breathe out. When working near to your eyes,
ensure that you close your eyes. You will feel where you are
applying the make-up by the light air spraying on to your face.
PRO TIP: To avoid unwanted build-up of foundation,
blush or bronze in one area of the face, always keep
the airbrush moving.
To cover blemishes and pimples move your airbrush a little closer
concentrating a little more make-up on the area to be covered.
Finish your look with the desired blush or bronze.
When the airbrush is in use but at rest, place in the
convenient airbrush holder as shown.
NB. When your HD Airbrush System first arrives you may wish to
practice spraying with just water.
4. After use
Spray any remaining make-up out of the airbrush (try rocking
forward and backward on the trigger whilst spraying in to a
tissue). Wipe out excess product from the airbrush cup with
a tissue.
Place 3-4 drops of Airbase Thinner and Cleaner in to the
airbrush cup. Spray this on to a tissue to remove any excess
make-up and to avoid your airbrush clogging up.
When the airbrush cup is empty, replace in it’s recess in the
Always ensure that your airbrush is cleansed after
each use to avoid build up of product - keeping your
airbrush in tip top condition.
PRO TIP: After cleaning leave 2-3 drops of Thinner
and Cleaner in your airbrush to prevent any make-up
drying in your equipment.
Never use a cotton bud to clean your brush, small
fibres will cause your brush to spit and become blocked.
NB. Not all products shown are supplied with your HD Airbrush Make-Up System and
product sizes may vary. Additional items are available from your retailer.
Removable Mixing Tray to
mix your foundation shades
if you are applying with the
Airbase Foundation Brush.