5. Web Management 2: System Configuration and Status
AirLive AirMax5N User’s Manual
PING Frequency
: means "How often the CPE will PING". For example, it will PING
once every "120" seconds.
Fail Tries
means "How many times fails before the CPE will judge the PING failed".
For example "2" means the CPE will reconnect if the PING doesn't respond for 2 times.
When you set the Ping Frequency to every "120" seconds and Fail Tries to "2". It means the
CPE will ping every 120 seconds, after the second failure, it will reconnect.
Reconnect: the AirMax5N will attempt to re-establish the connection. It is recommend
to use this option for WDS Bridge connection.
Reboot: the AirMax5N will do a power recycle.
5.1.6 Firmware Upgrade
System Configuration -> Firmware Upgrade
You can upgrade the firmware of your AIRMAX5N (the software that controls your
AIRMAX5N’s operation). Normally, this is done when a new version of firmware offers new
features that you want, or solves problems that you have encountered with the current