MoTeC M400-M600-M800
ECU Technical documentation
Release 1.02
1 – Technical documentation
MoTeC M400-M600-M800 ECU can communicate with AIM loggers through the CAN
BUS. This communication can be wrong for different reasons related to Hardware,
firmware or software.
1.1 – Hardware check
MoTeC CAN bus communicates with two wires: CAN High (corresponding to AIM CAN+)
and CAN low (corresponding to AIM CAN-). To check if hardware is ok:
ensure that a 120 Ohm “line-end resistor” is installed between CAN+ and CAN-; use
a multimeter; disconnect AIM logger from the ECU and make this check on both
sides (ECU and logger);
check if the amplitude of each bit is 2V (or at least 1.8); using a scope ground the
probe on CAN- while measuring CAN+. Please ensure that no filtering feature is
enabled on the scope: this because of high baud rate of this line.
1.2 – Firmware check
When selecting the ECU model in Race Studio Configuration it is necessary to check the
ECU firmware version. To say:
select “M800-M600-M400” Model for firmware version lower than 2.30S;
select “M800-M600-M400-1M” Model for firmware version 2.30S or higher
select “M800-M600-M400-1M_v3” Model for firmware version “3.x”
select “M800-M600-M400-500k_v3” Model for firmware version “3.x”
Please note that CAN-bus speed is 400Kbit for the first Model, 1Mbit for the 2
models and 500Kbit for the 4th.
1.3 – Software check
For MoTeC ECU to correctly communicate with AIM loggers it is necessary to configure it
using MoTeC “ECU Manager” software “3.x” version and keeping the ECU connected and
switched on. Here follows the correct procedure.
Run “ECU Manager software” and load the ECU selecting File/Open ECU and
selecting the correct one.