J2024-04 User Manual
Chapter 3. BMC Configuration Settings
IPv4 Address, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway
If DHCP is disabled, specify a static IPv4 address, Subnet Mask and Default
Gateway to be configured for the selected interface.
An IP Address consists of 4 sets of numbers separated by dots as in “xxx.
Each set ranges from 0 to 255.
The first Number must not be 0.
IPv6 Configuration
It lists the IPv6 configuration settings.
IPv6 Settings
Check this option to enable IPv6 support for the selected interface.
Obtain an IP address automatically
Enable ‘Use DHCP’ to dynamically configure the IPv4 address using Dynamic
Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP).
IPv6 Address
Specify a static IPv6 address to be configured for the selected interface.
Subnet Prefix Length
Specify the subnet prefix length for the IPv6 settings.
• Value ranges from 0 to 128.
Default Gateway
Specify the v6 default gateway for IPv6 settings.
VLAN Configuration
It lists the VLAN configuration settings.
VLAN Settings
Check this option to enable VLAN support for the selected interface.
Specify the Identification for VLAN configuration.
• Value ranges from 2 to 4094.