IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac 2T2R USB WIFI Module
Sichuan AI-Link Technology Co.,Ltd.
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5.Software Requirements
The driver supports the following operating systems: Linux, Microsoft Windows XP, Vista and Win7.
Mfg. software tool is MP_Kit_RTL11ac_8822BU_USB_v0.57_20170322(BETA).
WF-R12B-UWD1 module has a 32-bit RISC MCU that handles Wi-Fi, and an ARM Cortex-R4 MCU that
could offload data frame processing in Wi-Fi host driver.
6. Refelow Standard Condition
Temperature rising zone: temperature: <150
, time: 60
90 seconds, slope control between 1
Preheating constant temperature zone: temperature: 150
, time:60-120 seconds, slope
between 0.3-0.8.
Reflow soldering zone: peak temperature 235
~ 250
(recommended peak temperature
), time 30-70 seconds.
Cooling zone: temperature: 217
~ 170
, slope between 3
/ S.
The solder is tin-silver-copper alloy lead-free solder / Sn & Ag & Cu Lead-free solder (SAC305).