cable. What is completely new with the V7 generation is the channel numbe-
ring system. Sensors and sockets are counted from 0 to 9; this is followed by
the channels counted as decimals also from 0 to 9; i.e. the first sensor has
channels 0.0 to 0.9, the second has 1.0 to 1.9, etc.
Programming and functioning are virtually identical for all units.
The following points apply to all devices in the ALMEMO
measuring system;
these are described in detail in the ALMEMO
Manual which is included in deli-
very with each device.
Detailed explanation of the ALMEMO
system (Manual, Chapter 1)
Overview of the device functions and measuring quantities and ranges (Manual, Chapter 2)
Basic principles, operating instructions, and technical data for all sensors
(Manual, Chapter 3)
Options for connecting your own existing sensors (Manual, Chapter 4)
All analog and digital output modules (Manual, Section 5.1)
Interface modules RS232, optic fiber, USB, Ethernet (Manual, Section 5.2)
The whole ALMEMO
networking system (Manual, Section 5.3)
All functions and their operation via the interface (Manual, Chapter 6)
Complete list of interface commands with all the printouts (Manual, Chapter 7)
he operating instructions you are now reading cover only those features and
controls that are specific to this device. Many sections refer to more detailed
descriptions in the Manual. (Manual. Section x.x.x).
5.1 Functions of the ALMEMO 809
Measured data acquisition module ALMEMO
809 is housed in a compact 8-
DU case; it has 9 electrically isolated measuring inputs suitable for all ALME-
sensors. Given the large portfolio of V6 sensors and now the new, inno-
vative D7 sensors measuring possibilities are nowadays virtually limitless.
Thanks to the external memory connector with a micro SD card and the real-
time clock, all incorporated as standard on the ALMEMO
809, the amount of
data you can record is virtually endless. The ALMEMO
809 also incorporates
a high-speed 8-MB flash memory sufficient for up to 1.5 million measured valu-
es . There are two output sockets which can be used to connect any of the AL-
output modules, e.g. analog output, digital interface, memory connec-
tor, trigger input, or alarm contacts. Multiple V7 devices can be networked to-
gether by simply connecting them via network cable.
5.1.1 Sensor programming
The measuring channels are programmed, completely and automatically, via
plugs. However, the user can easily supplement or modify this
programming via the interface.