Active/Passive inputs:
Start by using the passive input. If your bass’s output distorts the input section, switch to the
active position. In the active input, a 12 db pad in the signal path will remedy the situation.
Volume pot:
This pot controls the gain of the preamp section. Clean sounds are usually achieved by setting the
input gain around 11 or 12 o’clock. A little bit of musical distortion will occur if set past one or
two o’clock.
Tube driven shelving type, boosts up to 12 db. The center frequency is set at 4 kHz.
Tube driven shelving type, boosts up to 12 db. The center frequency is set at 40 Hz.
Tube driven shelving centered at 400 Hz.
Deep Switch:
The deep switch adds 3db of broadband boost at 30 Hz.
Bright Switch:
This switch is passive RC pre-emphasis circuit at 5-7 kHz. The bright switch will add a brighter
timbre to the entire range of your bass.
Effects Loop:
The Send pot is push/pull for line or instrument level. This allows you to use a studio effects unit
(line level) or a stomp box (requires instrument level) in the FX loop. Adjust the amount of send
so as to get maximum performance from your effects unit. Don’t give the FX so much level as to
overdrive it.
The parallel/series pot is push/pull for parallel or series operation. In the parallel mode affected
signals are mixed to the dry sound. In series mode the entire sound of your bass is processed by
the effects in the loop. The amount of effects can be adjusted with the return pot. If you pull the
return pot out for series operation without any effects plugged in the loop, the loop will be open
and no sound will result.
Master Output Control:
This pot controls the output level to your power amp.