Agriculex Inc.
Tel: 519 837 0871 Fax 519 837 4291
1-59 suburban Ave Guelph Ontario N1E 6B4
Set up a batch counting program to count just a packet of 10 seeds from a seed lot. Be
sure that the sensitivity setting is correct. Run the program with a small amount of seeds
in the hopper. The machine will count a lot of seeds and clean out. Count the number of
seeds obtained by hand. Repeat this several times.
If the average count that you have is more than 10, the delay is too long. If it uses less
than 10, the delay is too short. Adjust the delay (for example; by selecting
‘quit of change
followed by
‘adjust valve delay for this crop’
). Repeat this process as
5.3 Setting valve delay times
The machine is capable of closing the main valve faster than the seed get to it after
passing the sensor. For this reason, there is a time delay in the operation of the valve to
allow the last seed of a batch to reach it before it closes. In most cases, the default delay
should be adequate. However, different crops bounce differently, so the optimum time
varies a bit from crop to crop. The machine can store a value of each crop. If you wish
optimum performance on your particular crop, you may wish to set up the time delay
using this procedure.
Set up a batch counting program to count just a packet of 10 seeds from a seed lot. Be
sure that the sensitivity setting is correct. Run the program with a small amount of seed in
the hopper. The machine will count a lot of seeds and clean out. Count the number of
seeds obtained by hand. Repeat this several times.
If the average count that you obtain is more than 10, the delay is too long. If it is less than
10, the delay is too short.
5.4 Adjust the delay time.
What do you want to do?
1-Totalize count;
2-New program for batch count;
3-Run stored program;
4-Last program;
Select number 5 to adjust the delay time. After pressing 5, the program will go to the next
1-edit crop list
2-edit program list
3-Clean out
4-Startup Screen
5-Halt program