In Bluetooth mode, it will shuffle songs by folder (Repeat according to your set)
Playlist is not supported under Bluetooth mode;
When it’s on music playing interface with the “Repeat”, “Shuffle” mode on, you can see its icon
on bottom left corner (OFF for disappearing). Then you can tap the icon and adjust it directly.
Voice Recording
Tap the icon
on main interface to enter it, a related list will show as Start Voice Recording,
Recordings library, Storage, Recording Format and Record Settings.
Select a format from MP3, WAV or ACT
Scroll to “Start Voice Recording” to start your recording
To pause or stop recording, tap the central icon on bottom
To play, go to “Recordings Library” and play as music
Tap the icon
on main interface to enter it, a related list will show as “Start step”, “Personal
information”, “History”, “Clear history”.
Set your personal information including your height, weight and the step length
Scroll to “Start step” to start its function
While on recording screen, tap “Stop” on bottom left to stop recording, slid from left to right
to choose whether to save it and then back to the submenu; tap “Start” to continue recording,
slid from left to right to back to main menu
Look up the history and clear according you need
Note: you can save your history in its 7 preset item, and for more recordings, it will cover the