choose Yes, it will be searching automatically and
automatically save searched station in
Station list
Start FM recording
to start recording, and press
, it will show
to confirm Yes or No. If choose Yes, it
will saved recording content in the formats of
You will find saved FM recording in Record folder under
FOLDER menu.
Tuner region
The player is defaulted to command band, if you are in
Japan, you need to change to Japan Band. If you are in
Europe, you need to set to European band.
At any interface, long press
to enter main menu and
find folder UI.
On folder view menu press
to enter folder menu. Here
you can check files you have stored on the device
including music, recording and pictures.
When you play music under
, it will shuffle songs
by folder if you turn shuffle on.
If you have any questions about this player, please feel free
to contact [email protected].