Ordering information
Example configuration:
A test system is being built
that requires the following
Microwave Switching:
• (qty 2) Agilent 87206B
SP6T Switches
• (qty 8) Agilent N1810UL
SPDT Switches
Select the quantity of distribu-
tion boards for the required
switches using the ordering
info below:
• Qty 2 Y1152A
Distribution boards
to control qty 2
87206B switches.
• Qty 1 Y1150A
Distribution board
to control qty 8
N1810UL switches.
Notice that each Y1152A can
also drive two N181x switches.
Therefore if you only needed
to drive 4 N1810 switches,
then you could have controlled
those switches via the Y1152A
distribution boards already
Here is the final recommended
• (qty 2) 87206B DC-20 GHz
SP6T Switches
• (qty 8) N1810UL DC-20 GHz
SPDT Switches
• (qty 1) L4445A
Switch/Attenuator Driver
(when ordering the L4445A,
the 34945EXT is automatically
added for controlling switches)
• (qty 2) Y1152A
Distribution Boards
• (qty1) Y1150A
Distribution Board
• Either build own cables using
off-the-shelf parts, or order
qty 1 Y1159A 16-to-16 pin
connect kit (supplies for 2
cables) and qty 2 Y1157A
9-to-10 pin cable kit
(supplies for 4 cables).
We recommend that the switch
be ordered with options for
24 V coils, position indicators,
and socket connectors. Since
24 V latching relays are speci-
fied, there is no need for an
external power supply. The
L4445A instrument can provide
power for a single 34945EXT.
Easy-to-build ribbon cables
can be built to interface each
of the switches to the Y1150A
and Y1152A distribution boards.
See the Application note:
Configuring an RF/ Microwave
Switch System (5989-2272EN)
for additional configuration