L4411A Getting Started Guide
Preparation for Use
Using the Web-Enabled Instrument Interface
The LAN connection between the PC and the L4411A provides access to the
instrument through the instrument’s Web-enabled interface. This is the easiest
way to program the L4411A as no additional IO drivers are required.
To use the Web-enabled interface:
Connect a LAN cable (yellow crossover or standard - see “Connecting the
LAN Cable”) between your PC and the L4411A. The Web-enabled interface
is not available over GPIB or USB.
If necessary, turn on the L4411A. Following the power-on sequence note the
IP address displayed on the L4411A front panel.
Open the Internet browser on your PC. In the browser ‘Address’ window,
type “http://” followed by the IP address of the L4411A.
The Web interface ‘Welcome Page’ appears as shown in Figure 1-3.
Browser Configuration
The Web-enabled interface is activated from the PC’s Internet browser. In
some network configurations, however, a proxy server may prevent access to
the instrument (i.e. “page cannot be displayed”). In this situation, the proxy
must be configured from the browser such that the proxy is not used for (IP)
addresses within the range of those that can be assigned to the L4411A.
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