U1092A (U1056A)-C32 XC113 Handle and Feet Assembly
for CC103 crate.
U1092A (U1056A)-C52 XC115 Handle and Feet Assembly
for CC105 crate.
U1092A (U1056A)-C82 XC118 Handle and Feet Assembly
for CC108 crate.
For further information, refer to the appendix
U1092A (U1056A)-C32 -C52 -C82 XC113 – XC115 –XC118
specifications and assembly instructions
CompactPCI 6U to 3U Slot Adapter
The optional
U1092A-C01 (1056A-A10)
XC100 Slot Adapter
is specially designed for use with CC10X crates. This
CompactPCI slot adapter allows the use of 3U modules in any vacant 6U slots. The XC100 assures proper
mechanical alignment when inserting a 3U module and protects the crate's backplane connectors from damage. In
addition, the XC100 meets the IEEE 1011.10 standard and provides the function of a filler panel to completely close
the half vacant slot. This function is essential to guarantee EMC performance and appropriate cooling.
For further information, refer to the appendix 4.6
U1092A-C01 (U1056A-A10) XC100 6U TO 3U SLOT Adapter
specifications and assembly instructions
Filler Plug-in
An optional
U1092A-C02 (U1056A-A11)
XC200 Filler Plug-in
is available from Acqiris. This 6U CompactPCI
plug-in (width 1 slot) meets the IEEE 1011.10 standard and implements the function of a filler panel that completely
closes the front of the unused slots and reduces the cross-flow air circulation. This function is essential to guarantee
EMC performance and appropriate cooling.
For further information, refer to the appendix 4.7
U1092A-C02 (U1056A-A11) XC200 6U FILLER Plug-in
specifications and assembly instructions
All Agilent Acqiris Digitizer products are warranted to operate within specification, assuming normal use, for a
period of at least one year from the date of shipment. Units sold before April 2008 had three year warranties, as do
some more recent ones; in case of doubt examine your invoice. It is recommended that yearly calibration be made in
order to verify product performance. All repairs, replacement and spare parts are warranted for a period of 3 months.
Warranty extensions are available as an option.
In exercising this warranty, Agilent will repair or replace any product returned to the Agilent service center, within
the warranty period. The warranty covers all defects that are a result of workmanship or materials. This excludes
defects that are caused by accident, misuse, neglect, or abnormal operation.
The purchaser is responsible for returning the goods to the nearest Agilent service center. This includes
transportation costs and insurance. Agilent will return all warranty repairs with transportation prepaid.
Warranty and Repair Return Procedure, Assistance and Support
Agilent acquired Acqiris SA and its product lines in December 2006. Please contact your nearest Agilent Service
Center before returning any product for repair.
You can find information about technical and professional services, product support, and equipment repair and
service on the Web, see
and after selecting your
country click on
Contact Us
). The service center will ask for your name, company, phone number and address, the
model and serial numbers of the unit to be repaired, and a brief description of the problem.
Before issuing a Service Order the service center may ask you to communicate with us by phone or eMail so that we
can learn as much as needed about the problems observed. If a unit returned under guarantee is found to be working
normally and this procedure was not followed we reserve the right to charge you for the work done.
For your nearest customer support center please contact Acqiris Technical Support
or come visit our web site at
Alternatively, contact Acqiris at 1-800-829-4444 in the USA, +41 22 884 32 90 in Europe or +61 3 9210 2890 in the
Asia-Pacific region. The Agilent Support Centers can also help redirect you for any questions concerning the
installation and operation of your equipment.
User Manual: Agilent Acqiris 3-, 5-, and 8-slot cPCI Crates
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