Modes Averaging from 2 to 2048, envelope, infinite &
variable persistence from 500 ms to 10 s, connect
the dots, peak detect
Graticules full grid, axes, frame, or no graticule
Automatic 23 measurements on front panel or over HP-IB:
Rise time V p-p V dc rms
Fall time V min Preshoot
Frequency V max Overshoot
Period V avg Voltage at time
- Width V base Time at min voltage
+ Width V amptd Time at max voltage
Duty cycle V top Time at voltage
Delta time V ac rms
Both upper and lower thresholds can be set from
-25% to 125% for all automatic measurements
Continuous, statistics, limit test, or waveform
Math/Analysis Functions Operators
add, subtract, multiply, versus, integrate, differentiate,
invert magnify, and FFT
Additional Characteristics
Peak Detect Captures and displays glitches or other high-speed
events as narrow as 1 ns in real-time mode at sample
rates of 250 MSa/s or less with sequential single-
shot turned off.
Sequential Captures successive single-shot events without
Single Shot capturing the dead time in between, and stores up
to 400 Kbytes of waveform data.
Sequential Single-shot Throughput
Record Waveforms Stored Max Number of
Length Per Second Waveforms Stored
50 1333 4395
500 1111 739
8000 294 49
32,000 90 12
Waveform Store
4 nonvolatile, 2 pixel (volatile), and segmentable
memory for storing measurement failure waveforms or
sequential single-shot waveforms.
Screen Update Rate (typical at 500 ns/div)
record length (points)
Real Time 500 8K 16K 32K
updates/s. 150 110 84 58
Repetitive normal 8 avgs 128 avgs
updates/s: 150 91 91