Connecting to the Internet or other networks
Here you will find instructions on how to use
Microsoft dial-up networking to connect to the
Internet or other networks.
1. Double-click on the “My Computer” icon on
the desktop.
2. Double-click on the “Dial-up networking” icon.
Dial-up networking is installed as standard in
Windows 98. If Dial-up networking does not
appear under “My Computer”, you can install it
from the Windows CD-ROM. Choose “Start >
Settings > Control Panel > Add/Remove Pro-
grams”. For more information refer to the
Windows Help index under “Software, install-
ing components”.
3. If this is the first connection, click on “Next”.
Otherwise double-click on “Make New
4. In the Make New Connection wizard type in a
name for the connection, such as that of your
5. Under “Select a device” select “AGFWMP-
Line 1” and click on “Next”.
6. In the “Number” box enter the ISDN dial-in
number of your Internet service provider or of
the remote network and click on “Next”.
7. Click on “Finish”. An icon is set up for this new
Configuring the connection
1. If dial-up networking is not open: Double-click
on the “My Computer” icon on the desktop.
Double-click on the “Dial-up networking” icon.
2. Open the dialog box in which you can configure
your connection. Click with the right mouse
button on the icon you created previously and
choose “Properties”.
3. Choose the “Server Type” tab. Run through the
following steps:
- If you are setting up a connection to the
Internet, clear the “Log on to network”
- Check the “Enable software compression”
- For connections to the Internet check only the
“TCP/IP” protocol.
Dial-up to the Internet or other networks
When you have set up the connection to your
Internet service provider or to the network as
described, you can then dial in to the network
To surf the Internet or check your e-mail, you
must have installed a Web Browser or an e-mail
To connect:
1. Double-click on the “My Computer” icon on
the desktop.
2. Double-click on the “Dial-up networking” icon.
3. Double-click on the icon of the connection you
set up previously.
4. In the “Connect To” dialog box:
Enter the user name and password provided
by your Internet service provider.
Click on “Connect”.
As soon as the connection is made, the
“Connected To” dialog box appears.
5. You can now surf the Internet using your Web
Browser or check your e-mail using an e-mail
To disconnect, click on “Disconnect” in the
“Connected To” dialog box. If you minimized the
dialog box in the meantime, first click on its icon
on the taskbar.