The CR HD5.x detectors and the CR MD4.xR plates and cassettes are factory
predefined. No further configuration is required from customer side to use
them with the digitizer.
The cassettes have to be erased before first use, as described later in this
IP Gain Calibration
For CR HM5.x Mammo detectors that are delivered with an IP Gain
Calibration CD, the IP gain calibration file has to be installed on the NX
workstation prior to first use. The installation is performed by Agfa certified
service personnel.
To replace a plate or detector or introduce a new plate or detector to the
system without a certified Agfa service engineer being present, the IP gain
calibration file has to be uploaded by the end-user.
Problem Solving
Table 2: Uploading the gain calibration file
A plate or detector is replaced or a new plate or detector is intro-
duced to the system without a certified Agfa service engineer
being present.
The IP gain calibration file has to be uploaded by the end-user.
Procedure Follow the instructions on the IP Gain Calibration CD sleeve.
The IP gain calibration file is automatically distributed to other
NX workstations in the network.
Table 3: Checking whether a gain calibration file is required
It is not known if a plate or detector requires an IP gain calibration
If it is not clear if the plate or detector has been delivered with an IP
gain calibration file, check on the NX workstation if the plate or de-
tector requires an IP gain calibration file.
AGFA CR Detectors, Plates and Cassettes (CR HD5.x, CR MD4.xR, CR HM5.x, CR MM3.xR) |
Introduction to the AGFA CR Detectors, Plates and Cassettes |
2322D EN 20180409 1008