Instruction to load AG6248C-POE ONIE
Please follow the steps carefully because you are going to erase and
overwrite NAND storage
Pre-install connectivity
1. Connect the console port of the switch to a PC. Most switches come
with a RJ45 console port. Use a RJ45-to-serial cable or an RJ45-to-
USB cable to connect to a PC.
2. Use a terminal application; such as “Tera Term” to terminal connect.
Configure the console port. Use these settings for the console port:
• 115200 baud
• No flow control
• 1 stop bit
• No parity bits
• 8 data bits
3- Connect MGMT port of the switch to the same segment as TFTP server
Installing the ONIE binaries
1. Uncompressed ONIE image that you have downloaded and place it on
TFTP server root
2. Install ONIE kernel (
Following directions assume the files are on the root of the TFTP
server with following ip and server name:
hostname: tftp-srv