©Copyright LOTRONIC 2017
Page 12
240 - 255 R + G + B + W
Color Chase Table
Color Chase
000 - 015 No Function
015 - 035 chase 1
036 - 056 chase 2
057 - 076 chase 3
078 - 097 chase 4
098 - 117 chase 5
118 - 138 chase 6
139 - 159 chase 7
160 - 179 chase 8
180 - 200 chase 9
201 - 220 chase 10
221 - 241 chase 11
242 - 255 chase 12
Fixture Cleaning
Due to fog residue, smoke, and dust cleaning the internal and external optical lenses and mirror should be carried
out periodically to optimize light output. Cleaning frequency depends on the environment in which the fixture
operates (I.e. smoke, fog residue, dust, dew). In heavy club use we recommend cleaning on a monthly basis. Periodic
cleaning will ensure longevity, and crisp out-put.
1. Use normal glass cleaner and a soft cloth to wipe down the out- side casing.
2. Use a brush to wipe down the cooling vents and fan grill.
3. Clean the external optics with glass cleaner and a soft cloth every 20 days.
4. Clean the internal optics with glass cleaner and a soft cloth every 30-60 days.
5. Always be sure to dry all parts completely before plugging the unit back in.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Electric products must not be put into household waste. Please bring them to a recycling centre. Ask your local authorities or your
dealer about the way to proceed.